I just spoke to Ida Camburn, who is 85 years old and has been fighting
the CULT of Scientology since they snagged up her son, 30+ years ago.
He "Disconnected" from her, and she hasn't heard from him since. Ida began fighting the cult of $cientology 30 years ago, joining the original CAN (Cult Awareness Network: Now bought up by Scientology--The Old C.A.N used to help families of people in Cults like Scientology!) She's written to Senators and Congressmen for years.
Ida has picketed with us--you can see her on http://www.xenutv.com/
She's in the red hat
On February 10th she picketed around her neighborhood, out in Hemet, CA
which is the headquarters for Scientology.
If you drove up to Ida's ---you'd see her car with a bumper sticker:
And some Xenu Dolls in her window. She's a fantastic person, and I'm proud to say she's also a dear friend.
My best,
PS: If she can figure out how to upload her photos, she will.
And she is hawt.
Wait, is her name Carman or Camburn?
Hai, Anon. It's Camburn and I have fixed the post.
+10 internets to you for being the first to post at The Anonymous Revolution!
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