Michael stop trying to be a culture imitator; recovery is important for ex-Scientologists but not to the point where you feel it necessary to imitate the culture of teenagers.
I would like to point out, as neutrally as possible, that this is a slightly incorrect view of the culture.
I am not a teenager and have been actively following the culture for years.
The anonymous culture is not the culture of teenagers, it is the culture of the internet.
Due to it's nature the participants of anonymous are mostly teenagers and students.
It also includes many professionals (mostly IT) of any age.
That is why German /b/tards like it a lot, since they produce verySo here is the Klaus video in which he says "Tom Cruise is now a Hyper-Thetan-Mega-Alpha-Male in Scientology" and goes on to more gleeful shredding of the Scientology Superstar. btw Tom was a winrar in the Bambis, the German Oscars, last year.
good provocative videos with a "nothing is to be taken srsly" attitude.
Anonymous has already tried to get on the show, since they support another hilarious protest movement, "The Front of German Apples" who protest Neo Nazis in copies of their uniforms, but with all symbols replaced by an apple.
They even produce and write propaganda promoting German apples in exact Nazi style.
Muriel Dufresne, another spokeswoman for Golden Era, said she has not been too bothered by Scientology's critics.LOL."There is such a thing as freedom of speech," Dufresne said. "People can say what they want. But they need to get their facts straight.
Outside Scientology's sailing ship perpetually moored in the desert sands, cackled a parrot. I thought to myself, if that parrot starts imitating AGP and squawking, "Tax the cult," it would very soon be a dead parrot. It quickly became evident to me that the entire Gold Base was on lock down. All of the blinds and shutters were drawn. The only people visible were the silhouettes of the two security officers in the guard house and the public relations in-charge, Muriel Dufresne, the woman who had become so well acquainted with Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone and his family. I have been told that Muriel Dufresne has had store accounts for purchasing gifts for public officials that Gold Base needs to co-opt and corrupt. Apparently, Muriel has also been observed surreptitiously recording Hemet City Council meetings. Additionally, she has sat on the Hemet library committee (as a sort of de facto Scientology censor).And now comes the shocking revelation of the protesters' HIV status:
Muriel Dufresne was literally running back and forth between a nearby building and the guardhouse. Meanwhile two more people arrived to observe us. One was a reporter and the other a photographer from the Los Angeles Times. The reporter had been at the Riverside County Board of Supervisors meeting on January 6, 2009. His report would appear in the LA Times.com blogs section on Friday January 9, 2009.
At about 1:45 P.M., five Riverside County Sheriff's vehicles responded to multiple calls from Scientology to deal with two picketers and a photographer. The Sergeant in charge was polite and adamant that they were not looking to interfere with our First Amendment rights. However, for most of the next hour all five Sheriff's deputies were huddled inside the Scientology compound with Muriel and her assistant. We were excluded and just kept going on about our picketing. From time to time, various deputies would come out and engage us. First, they demanded and then took all of our driver's licenses, recording the details for a cult anxious to obtain all such information for its own highly questionable purposes. Although this is unlawful, it is constantly done by Los Angeles and Riverside Police when called to pickets outside Scientology locations. It was the first time in twenty years of journalism that the Los Angeles Times reporter had been asked for identification by the police.
At one point, the Sheriff's Deputies emerged and their Sergeant informed us that Scientology and the Riverside County's Legal Counsel had worked out an interpretation of Ordinances 884 and 888. Provided we did not use the name of any living Scientologist specifically, and only protested Scientology generally, we could protest up and down both sides of Highway 79. And so, AGP and I continued to do that while Scientology's representatives, the five Sheriff's deputies and the Los Angeles Times reporter went inside the Scientology compound.
Later, we would learn that Scientologist Muriel Dufresne then provided the Sheriff's deputies with Scientology "Dead Agent" packs on the "crimes," as alleged and manufactured by Scientology, of AGP, Happy Smurf and I. Outrageously, Scientology had obtained and distributed personal medical information from the private health records of AGP and Happy Smurf. Deceptively, they also used the recanted Cipriano declaration to try and discredit and slime me. Apparently, Muriel Dufresne had gloated over their success in having me declared a vexatious litigant. However, that provides some of the factual basis for my picket sign and statement, "$cientology: Cult of Blackmail, Bribery and Fraud. www.xenu.net." Of course, the Riverside Sheriff's Deputies do not know that this is part of Scientology's "Fair Game" policies for the "handling of Suppressive Persons." They have not seen the Scientology scripture that reads, "The only way to control someone is to lie to them."Happy Smurf and AGP have confirmed they are both HIV+.
If Anonymous is smart in its war on Scientology, it will recruit Prince Harry for
Project Chanology, like rite nao.
In a World Exclusive, News of the World write in their article
Prince Harry video nasty that will spark outrage:
The soldier prince pours shame on the Royal Family as he calls an Asian squaddie “our little Paki friend” and tells another officer cadet jokingly wearing a camouflage veil off duty: “F*** me, you look like a raghead”—an offensive term for an Arab.
Harry, 24, third in line to the throne, also mocks the Queen—who is Commander-in-Chief of the British Army—while acting out a mobile phone call to her in front of other cadets at a field camp in Cyprus.
They laugh out loud as the disrespectful Prince pretends to get bored talking to his grandmother and dismissively hangs up on her saying: “Send my love to the corgis. I’ve got to go, got to go, bye. God Save You . . . yeah, that’s great.”
He even jokes about the colour of his pubic hair with one soldier in the middle of giving orders.
Last night Clarence House issued an APOLOGY for his behaviour in the shocking video diary—in which Harry is often behind the camera giving a foul-mouthed commentary. Extracts from the shock video can be seen on only our website notw.co.uk.
And the Ministry of Defence said last night: “This sort of language is not acceptable in a modern army.”
His sick remarks will not only have infuriated the Queen but could also increase tensions with Islamic groups in the UK who were outraged that he went to fight and kill Muslims in Afghanistan.
And they will mortify Army chiefs trying to recruit soldiers from Britian’s ethnic minorities.
The film was made in 2006, just a year after Harry was shamed for wearing a Nazi swastika at a fancy dress party and forced to make a grovelling apology.
One of Anon's sekrits is that there are /b/tards and other channer Anons in the
military. A retired Military Intelligence veteran told me he personally knows 100
active-duty military /b/tards. He was on active duty in Afghanistan and posted in
the historic thread on /b/ "I think it's time for /b/ to do something big" in which
Anon launched the first salvos against "The thriving cult of greed and power."
The first anniversary of this epic thread is coming up on January 15. It is also the
anniversary of Gawker Founder Nick Denton's brass balls refusal to take down the
now-infamous Tom Cruise video, a stellar example of what Anon says in its January 21
2008, declaration of war Message to Scientology, "the artlessness of your
organization has sounded it's death knell."
But let's hear moar from teh tongue-licking homo Prince Harry Firecrotch:
One of the squad cheekily remarks: “Are your pubes ginger too?”Harry replies: “Sorry?” He is then asked the question again and replies: “Yes, they are” to laughter from the rest.
A spokesman from that bastion of defense of freedom of speech, the Muslim Council of Great Britain, said: “It beggars belief that Prince Harry did not realise just how crude and offensive such a remark is."
Uh. No. Prince Harry Firecrotch totally realized "just how crude and offensive such a remark is". That's why he said it, you moron.
The "Right not to feel butthurt trumps freedom of speech" crowd among the Church of Scientology, the PCtards of the Left and the Social Conservatives of the Right is totally tone-deaf to the irony that permeates the culture of people under the age of 28 (The Fag Prince is 24) and which rocks out in channer culture, Anonymous, and Project Chanlology. (One guy on the right, Good Lieutenant, at Jawa Report totally gets it. As does progressive ex-Scientology staff member and critic Jeff Jacobsen.)
Anon's generation is the least racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and anti-Semitic ever because anons have been educated in thoroughly PC-soaked education systems. (which explains why they are so polite to the public when they raid, srsly).
With Hegelian and Freudian precision PC has created Anonymous: Anon is the higher ironic and lulzy synthesis of PC thesis and niggerfagkike haetfaggotry anti-thesis, as well as Psychiatry's return of the repressed.
It's why 18-year old Eagle Scout engineering student anons go to the chans where they can be anything they want to be and say and post anything they want (except CP - lol Pedobear, teh greatest thing on teh internetz evar ). btw goatse "used to be considered gross; now it's the Heinz Mild Ketchup of gross-outs." Gawker says so.
But srsly, we have been here before. Check out Exploring Constitutional Conflicts: Regulation of Indecent Speech and the verbatim transcript of "Filthy Words", the George Carlin monologue at issue in the Supreme Court case of FCC v. Pacifica Foundation. For you lazy faggots, Carlin's famous seven words are: shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.
Most of the 684 850 929 1085 commenters get it:
By nico. Posted Jänner 11 2009 at 1:52 PM.
A word in itself is not racist, it is about the intent which lies behind the use of that word. Unless you are a moron or a closet republican, it is obvious that there was no malice behind what Harry said. This is political correctness gone mad yet again. Don't let them get you down, Harry.
By TimV. Posted Jänner 11 2009 at 1:43 PM.
Even fags get it:
By dave lee. Posted Jänner 11 2009 at 12:22 PM.
By Brent. Posted Jänner 11 2009 at 12:50 PM.
Keerist. I am deeply offended that Harry the Hooligan gave up the info concerning his gingerness. As a fellow redhead, that's top secret information and one of the best ways in my arsenal when it comes to snagging a bit of fun, so to speak. Harry? How could you tell what colour? OMG, I'm sunk. I'm never gonna have fun again. No one will wanna see me in the fresh because now they know, boo hoo . . . Oh, don't cry for me, PCeities. I have other tricks up my pantleg. HaHaHarry! You're cute; and, I ain't no fairy :). Good on ya, Man.
This is the best comment:
By FED_UP. Posted Jänner 11 2009 at 1:54 PM.
There's moar:
"LAST night Clarence House issued a statement apologising for Harry’s behaviour—but claimed he didn’t mean to insult anyone." Here is the money shot from the official Clarence House statement:
“Prince Harry is using the term ‘raghead’ to mean Taliban.”
Sometimes you don't know whether to facepalm, lol, go niggerniggernigger or just read some Shakespeare.
Anonymous must recruit Prince Harry Firecrotch for Project Chanology (if he's not an anon already.)
At your service for great justice, sir!